Black White 2 Day – Black Day

Why the topic is so funny? Called as “Black White Day” What’s that mean?
Black Day is today – Black Friday. Black refers to bad, bad lucky.

Black Friday is Friday on the 13th. Some said that Jesus dead on Friday. And, that day is the 13th. In western country, 13 is a unlucky number. So, Friday on the 13th would called as “Black Friday”.

There is another explanation. It is about Knights Templar (聖殿騎士團). On 13th October 1307, King Philip IV (腓力四世) of France ordered the arrest and the slaughter of all members of the territory of the Knights Templar. This incident is also a Friday on the 13th. So, people believe that Friday on the 13th is a bad day.

In historical, there is a number of incident on the 13th Friday,

Ÿ   1869US financial markets crash (美國金融市場大瀉)
Ÿ   1919Glasgow strike (格拉斯哥工人罷工)
Ÿ   1939Australia wildfires (澳洲發生山林大火)
Ÿ   1978Iranian demonstrators Holocaust (伊朗示威者大屠殺)
Ÿ   1982Folklands War - was happened between U.K. and Argentina (福克蘭群島戰爭爆發 - 英國和阿根廷)

I do not confirm how bad on Friday the 13th. If you got and unlucky matter today, I hope you forget it. And keep a good feeling for tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is White Day. A Day is full of love. If you want to know more about White Day, please subscribe and keep reading my blog – Own My Life.

See you tomorrow!

 P.S. If there is any grammar mistake, please leave a comment to me. I would like to improve my English from you. Thank you!

#Black #White #BlackDay #BlackFriday #bad #unlucky #WhiteDay #White #Love
